(Registered Attendees Should Look for an Email from Eventbrite and/or Zoom with the password)

Diminished Capacity, Ethics, and Professionalism: How to Effectively Advocate For and Communicate With Individuals With Diminished Capacity CLE
Date, Time, and Location:
Friday, September 6, 2024
8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
State Bar of Georgia Conference Center
(with a virtual Zoom Option)
Program Description:
On September 6, 2024, from 8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism will host a hybrid in-person and virtual low-cost CLE event entitled Diminished Capacity, Ethics, and Professionalism: How to Effectively Advocate For and Communicate With Individuals With Diminished Capacity. The Early Bird Registration Fee for the CLE through August 28, 2024, is $80+++, which will include breakfast and lunch for in-person attendees, and the cost for Georgia attorneys to maintain the CLE hours on their CLE transcript for in-person and virtual attendees. The CLE has been approved for 6 CLE credit hours, including 1 professionalism CLE hour and 1 ethics CLE hour. This CLE will discuss ways to effectively, ethically (under Rule 1.14 of the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct) and with professionalism interact with individuals with diminished capacity, including clients, witnesses, other parties and colleagues. Mr. Kevin Tanner, the Commissioner for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, will provide opening remarks. Registration for the CLE will open August 1, 2024. For more information or to register, visit https://cjcpga.org/09-06-24_cjcp_cle_re_diminished_capacity/.
Program Fees (PLUS Eventbrite ticketing fees, credit card fees, and tax, which will be added at checkout):
Early Bird Registration August 1 – August 28, 2024 $80+++ ($94.97)
Regular Registration August 29 – August 31, 2024 $95+++ ($112.41)
Late and Walk-In Registration September 1 – September 6 $150+++ ($176.31)
CLE Information:
The CLE has been approved for 6 CLE credit hours, including 1 professionalism CLE hour and 1 ethics CLE hour.
The Commission will report Georgia attorney CLE attendance and pay the requisite CCLC to the State Bar of Georgia’s Commission on Continuing Legal Competency for the CLE to remain on a Georgia attorney’s CLE transcript. The Commission will not apply to any state other than Georgia for CLE course approval. If an attorney seeks CLE credit from another state, the attorney will need to do so on your own. The Commission will provide a Uniform Certificate of Attendance, at the request of an attorney.
Attendance at the entire CLE – including the breakout sessions – is required to receive the full 6 hours of CLE credit. Attendance will be taken at the breakout sessions for both in-person and Zoom attendees.
Program Chair: Lauren Shubow, Public Defender, Atlanta Circuit Public Defender’s Office
Program Vice Chair: Brenda Woodard, General Counsel, Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
Planning Team Members:
Emma Brown-Bernstein, Assistant Public Defender, Fulton County Public Defender’s Office
Catherine Ellis , Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)
Susan Walker Goico, Managing Attorney, Disability Integration Project, Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Karlise Y. Grier, Executive Director, Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism
Hon. Bedelia C Hargrove, Chief Judge, DeKalb County Probate Court
Hon. Sarah S. Harris, Judge, Bibb County Probate Court
Dara “Chinny” Law, Partner, Ramos & Law
Pat Longan, Professor, Mercer University School of Law
Suparna Malempati, Professor, Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School
Hon. Russ McClelland, Chief Judge, Forsyth County State Court
Hon. Constance Russell, Judge, Atlanta Judicial Circuit Retired)
Staff Support and Questions:
Karlise Y. Grier
Zaria Page
Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism
(404) 225-5040
(Registered Attendees Should Look for an Email from Eventbrite and/or Zoom with the password)

Learn More About the Commission's Suicide Awareness Program
On April 30, 2021, the Commission held a Suicide Awareness Program. To view the materials and resources from the program, click here.
If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or if you are concerned that someone you know may be suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by phone 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or via chat at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/.
Members of the State Bar of Georgia may also contact the Bar’s Lawyer Assistance Program confidential hotline at 800-327-9631. #UseYour6
To learn more about other resources available to members of the State Bar of Georgia, click here.