The State Bar of Georgia Committee on Professionalism
Ethics and Professionalism During Career Transitions
(staff support provided by the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism)

A FREE to attend CLE Virtual Only via Zoom: Friday, October 25, 2024, 8:45 am – 11:15 am
The Ethics Panel will discuss issues such as trust account pitfalls, attorney advertising, keeping or leaving clients when moving between firms, and transitioning to the bench.
Confirmed Ethics Panelists: Andreea Morrison, Sharon Edenfield, Judge Glenda Hatchett, Judge Robert McBurney. Moderated by Michael Pérez
The Professionalism Panel will discuss considering the impacts on clients, colleagues, and courts of transitions, forming professional friendships in new environments, mentoring and personal boards of advisors, maintaining or re-building professional community during transitions, and professional and community involvement for lawyers transitioning into practice.
Confirmed Professionalism Panelists: Sharon Edenfield, Cathy Hampton, Samantha Beskin-Schemer, Judge Eric Richardson. Moderated by Mr. Kenneth “Kenny” Mitchell, Jr.
Introductions by Ian Reyes
J.D. Candidate ’25 | GSU College of Law
Planning Team: Michael Perez, Judge Rhonda Kreuziger, Judge Kimberly Alexander, and Karlise Y. Grier
Information Regarding CLE Credit
The CLE has been approved for 2 hours of CLE credit, including 1 hour of professionalism CLE credit and 1 hour of ethics CLE credit. Attorneys are responsible for paying the cost of the CLE credit directly to the State Bar of Georgia’s CLE Department. The Commission will only report CLE attendance in Georgia.
*Please note that the Bar’s Trust Account Rules and Regulations may change from time to time. This Trust Account Handbook is provided for general information only. For the most up-to-date information, please contact the State Bar of Georgia Law Practice Management Program or the Ethics Helpline.

Learn More About the Commission's Suicide Awareness Program
On April 30, 2021, the Commission held a Suicide Awareness Program. To view the materials and resources from the program, click here. This is a test.
If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or if you are concerned that someone you know may be suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by phone 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or via chat at
Members of the State Bar of Georgia may also contact the Bar’s Lawyer Assistance Program confidential hotline at 800-327-9631. #UseYour6
To learn more about other resources available to members of the State Bar of Georgia, click here.