Designated Attorney Fellowship and CLE Professionalism Program
Please look for information on how to register for the virtual replay in the near future.
About This CLE
On December 17, 2021, from 10 am – 2 pm, the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism will hold an in-person Designated Attorney Fellowship and CLE at the Emory Conference Center Hotel, 1615 Clifton Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30329.
This CLE is approved for 3 CLE hours, including 1 professionalism hour and 1 ethics hour.
The $185 registration fee includes the cost of all CLE fees, a hot breakfast buffet with omelet and pancake stations, lunch with a hot entrée, and covered parking under the hotel. All meals are included to encourage attorneys to fellowship with one another before and after the CLE.
This in-person CLE explores ways for all attorneys – regardless of age – to create a meaningful relationship between the attorney and a designated attorney. Over the past several years, the State Bar of Georgia has asked each Bar member to name a designated attorney when they complete their Bar dues statement, in case the Bar member becomes an “absent attorney,” one who leaves the practice of law with little to no advance warning, whether due to death, disability or otherwise. This CLE will help all attorneys – regardless of age – to better understand the impact of succession planning on clients, colleagues, opposing counsel, and the courts. Hopefully, during the CLE, attorneys will also receive practical tips to help make succession planning impactful.
Chief Justice David E. Nahmias will make closing remarks.

NO WALK-Ins are allowed for this CLE. Pre-registration is required so that we can ensure compliance with CDC Guidelines for COVID-19. Space is limited.