The Necessity of Unparalleled Unity
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About the “Unparalleled Unity” CLE
In these times of unparalleled political division and social unrest, how can we create a sense of unparalleled unity among lawyers and encourage lawyers to lead efforts to help bridge the divisions in America despite our differences? That is the central question that we seek to address in our upcoming CLE program The Necessity of Unparalleled Unity. As lawyers, we hold as a shared value a respect for the rule of law. Moreover, as a function of our professionalism as lawyers, we strive to offer service “[t]o the public and our systems of justice . . . and to seek the common good.” As lawyers, we perhaps have a special role in safeguarding the rule of law and we unquestionably have a responsibility to comport ourselves with professionalism. Therefore, perhaps there is a way for us to serve the public and the common good by using the tools of professionalism to draw us closer to a sense of unparalleled unity with one another and to lead our fellow Americans in bridging our divisions despite our differences.
With this framework in mind, our moderator and panelists will explore these questions during The Necessity of Unparalleled Unity CLE.
Program Chair: Ms. Dawn Jones, President of the State Bar of Georgia
Special Guest: Chief Justice Harold D. Melton, Supreme Court of Georgia
Moderator: Professor Tanya M. Washington, Georgia State University College of Law, Center for Access to Justice
Panelists: Honorable Carla Wong McMillian, Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia; Honorable Nina Markette Baker, Judge of Superior Court Coweta Judicial Circuit; Mr. Ashley Bell, Partner, Dentons US LLP; Mr. Jake Evans, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP; Honorable Dax E. López, Judge, State Court of DeKalb County; and Ms. Patrise Perkins-Hooker, Past President, State Bar of Georgia.
Special Acknowledgment: Mr. Kevin C. Wilson, Staff Attorney, Supreme Court of Georgia, for assistance in program planning.
Learn About the Commission's 04-30-21 Suicide Awareness Program
and Access to Mental-Health Resources

Learn More About the Commission's Suicide Awareness Program
On April 30, 2021, the Commission will hold a Suicide Awareness Program. For more information about the program, click here.
If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or if you are concerned that someone you know may be suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by phone 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or via chat at
Members of the State Bar of Georgia may also contact the Bar’s Lawyer Assistance Program confidential hotline at 800-327-9631. #UseYour6
To learn more about other resources available to members of the State Bar of Georgia, click here.