Ethics, Pro Bono, and Professionalism CLE

Written Materials
Program Participants:
Program Chair and Moderator of Ethics/Professionalism Panel: Professor Pat Longan, William Augustus Bootle Chair in Ethics and Professionalism in the Practice of Law at Mercer University School of Law
Moderator of Pro Bono Panel: Honorable Tabitha Ponder, Part-time Judge, Magistrate Court of Cobb County and Staff Attorney for the Georgia Judicial Council’s Access to Justice Committee
Special Guest Speaker: Honorable Charlie Bethel, Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia
Confirmed Speakers: Honorable Bill Adams (Retired Judge, State Court of Bibb County); Honorable Susan Edlein (Chief Judge, State Court of Fulton County); Mr. James Ellington; Mr. C. Allen Garrett; Professor Elizabeth Grant; Ms. LaRhonda Nicks; Ms. Aimee Pickett Sanders; Mr. J. Edward Shipp
This is CLE is FREE to attend but pre-registration is required on or before May 24, 2021, at 11:00 pm or until the Commission reaches capacity.
Attorneys who are members of the State Bar of Georgia and who wish to obtain CLE credit are responsible for paying the cost of the CLE fees directly to the State Bar of Georgia’s CLE Department after the Commission reports CLE attendance to the State Bar. Attendance is reported approximately 10 days after the conclusion of the CLE after the Commission verifies attendance via Zoom. The Zoom link to attend the Webinar will be sent to pre-registered attendees on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, no later than 8 pm.
- The CLE will be presented on the platform and you will need to access the seminar via a Zoom link using a smartphone, tablet or computer. A dial-in telephone number will NOT be provided for this webinar.

Learn More About the Commission's Suicide Awareness Program
On April 30, 2021, the Commission held a Suicide Awareness Program. To view the materials and resources from the program, click here.
If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or if you are concerned that someone you know may be suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by phone 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or via chat at
Members of the State Bar of Georgia may also contact the Bar’s Lawyer Assistance Program confidential hotline at 800-327-9631. #UseYour6
To learn more about other resources available to members of the State Bar of Georgia, click here.