2023 Law School Orientations on Professionalism
2023 Law School Orientations Information
Each year, the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism and the State Bar of Georgia Committee on Professionalism hold Law School Orientations at each of Georgia’s five law schools. The orientations are designed to provide incoming 1Ls with their first introduction to professionalism. Georgia lawyers and judges are invited to serve as “Group Leaders” during the orientations to help students learn the meaning of professionalism and why it is important for them as law students.
If you are a Group Leader and you did not receive the password via e-mail, please email [email protected].

2023 Law Schools Orientations on Professionalism Summary Chart | |||||
Name of School | # of Students Participating | # Group Leaders Participating | Professionalism Speaker | Student Evaluation Links | Group Leader Evaluation Links |
Atlanta's John Marshall Law School | 103 | 26 | Judge Eric Richardson State Court of Fulton County | AJMLS SE Results | AJMLS GLE Results |
Emory University Law School | 281 | 47 | Judge Glenda Hatchett (Retired) Juvenile Court of Fulton County | Emory SE Results | Emory GLE Results |
Georgia State University Law School | 224 | 22 | Chief Justice Michael P. Boggs Supreme Court of Georgia | GSU SE Results | GSU GLE Results |
Mercer University Law School | 152 | 23 | Judge Connie Williford Superior Court of Bibb County | Mercer GLE Results | |
University of Georgia School of Law | 195 | 37 | Mr. Naveen Ramachandrappa, Esq. Bondurant Mixson & Elmore | UGA SE Results | UGA GLE Results |
Totals | 955 | 155 |
For information regarding the Law School Orientations on Professionalism from 2022, please click here.
THANK YOU to Our 2023 Group Leaders!
Read more about the 30th Anniversary of the Law School Orientations on Professionalism that were held in August 2022 in the article here.
Mr. Michael B. Abramson
Mr. Crighton T. Allen Ms. Denise L. Allen Ms. Mecca S. Anderson Ms. Anna Marie Arceneaux Ms. Amber N. Arnette Mrs. Eleanor Mixon Attwood Ms. Sarah T. Babcock Judge Eric Alvin Ballinger Mr. Roy Amit Banerjee Mr. Stewart M. Banner Ms. Meredith M. Barnes Judge Shakara M. Barnes Mrs. Samantha Michelle Beskin-Schemer Mr. William J. Black III Mr. Thomas Charles Blaska II Mrs. Lauren L. Boffill Mrs. Anna G. Bolden Ms. Emily R. Bramer Ms. Robyn D. Brown Ms. Courtney M. Brubaker Mr. Brian D. Burgoon Mr. Mark G. Burnette Judge Stephanie D. Burton Mr. Scott D. Cahalan Mr. James E. Carlson Mr. Raymond P. Carpenter Mr. James Wickliffe Cauthorn Judge Edwina M. Charles Ms. Natalie Chavis Fisher Mr. David Gan-wing Cheng Mr. Darryl B. Cohen Ms. Ramona A. Condell Mrs. Lisa R. Coody Mr. Lawrence A. Cooper Judge Linda S. Cowen Mr. Charles E. Cox, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth T. Crymes Mr. Charles W. Cullen Judge Clarence Cuthpert, Jr. Mr. Theodore Harris Davis Jr. Mr. Isaiah D. Delemar Mrs. Alisha Ann Dickie Judge Sterling P. Eaves
Mr. James D. Elliot
Mr. David H. Emadi Mr. Barry Lane Fitzpatrick Ms. Angela N. Frazier Ms. Adrianne C. Freeman Mrs. Megan A. Glimmerveen Judge Elizabeth Gobeil Mrs. Jennifer B. Gore-Cuthbert Judge Maureen M. Gottfried Ms. Karlise Y. Grier Mr. Blake Dexter Halberg Mr. James W. Hays Mr. Adam L. Hebbard Mrs. Lisa Robinson Hernandez Mr. Wade W. Herring Mr. Michael V. Herskowitz Ms. J.B. Hilliard Mr. Thomas Tucker Hobgood Mr. Stephen J. Hodges Mrs. Nicole S. Holcomb Mrs. Sheila S. Huddleston Ms. Julie E. Hunter-Anderson Judge Phillip Jackson Judge Gary E. Jackson Mrs. Lauren E. Jirak Mr. Bryce A. Johnson Mr. Eric T. Johnson Mrs. Bethany Nicole Johnston Mrs. Shiriki C. Jones Judge Paula Elaine Kapiloff Mr. Marcus G. Keegan Professor Kendall Kerew Ms. Joi Siler King Judge Rhonda B. Kreuziger Ms. Jeanney Kutner Mr. Kevin V. Kwashnak Mrs. Paige Laine Mr. Eric C. Lang Judge Heather H Lanier Judge John K. Larkins Ms. Shana N.M. Laster Ms. Ashley S. Lewis Mrs. April S. Lipscomb Professor Patrick E. Longan
Mr. Alexander S. Lurey
Mr. Kenneth W. Mauldin Mr. Kevin A. Maxim Mr. David H. McCain Mr. Jason McCarter Judge Christopher J. McFadden Ms. Lynita M. Mitchell-Blackwell Mrs. Jennifer Campbell Mock Judge Shondeana Crews Morris Mrs. Samantha M. Mullis Justice David E. Nahmias (Retired) Mr. William D. NeSmith III Mr. Robert E. Norman Mr. Samuel S. Olens Judge Samuel Dwight Ozburn Ms. Ashley N. Payne Mr. Benjamin A. Pearlman Ms. Kristen Charrise Quinton Mr. David A. Rapaport Judge Sharon H. Reeves Mrs. Maria M. Rodriguez Mr. Mark Alan Rogers Ms. Kathryn Ann Rookes Mr. Timothy J. Santelli Ms. Margaret R. Schweizer Ms. Lauren B. Shubow Ms. Ethelyn N. Simpson Mr. Robert Wright Smith Mr. Christian J. Steinmetz III Mr. Matthew Britt Stoddard Ms. Deidre J. Stokes Mr. Henry C. Tharpe Professor John P. Thielman Ms. Georgette Thinn Mr. James R. Thompson Mr. Torin D. Togut Mrs. Uchenna Mary-Anne Uzoka Professor Randee J. Waldman Mr. Thomas Leland Walker Ms. Julayaun Maria Waters Ms. Jill Thrasher Young
The dates and plenary speakers for each Law School’s 2023 Orientations were as follows:
Law School | Professionalism Orientation Date | Professionalism Plenary Speaker and/or Oath Administration
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School | August 5, 2023 | Hon. Eric Richardson
Georgia State University School of Law | August 8, 2023 | Hon. Michael P. Boggs
Emory University School of Law | August 10, 2023 | Hon. Glenda Hatchett (Retired)
Mercer University School of Law | August 11, 2023 | Hon. Connie Williford
University of Georgia School of Law | August 11, 2023 | Mr. Naveen Ramachandrappa, Esq.
Chief Justice Michael P. Boggs gives remarks at the Georgia State University College of Law on August 8, 2023, prior to administering the Professionalism Oath and Honor Code Pledge to GSU law students.

Thank You to the 2023 Law School Orientations on Professionalism Planning Team!
The Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism, along with the Bar’s 2022-2023 Committee on Professionalism, under the leadership of Committee Chair Joshua Bosin and Committee Vice Chair Michael Herskowitz organized the 31st Annual Law School Orientations on Professionalism, which were held at all five of Georgia’s ABA-accredited law schools. The sub-committee that planned the 2023 law school orientation programs was chaired by Ms. J. Maria Waters and Ms. Kacey Baine. The members of the law school orientation on professionalism sub-committee, which planned the orientations included several lawyers and law students, and one judge. The sub-committee members were as follows: Associate Dean Kent Barnett, Assistant Director Leron Burge, Prof. Nathan S. Chapman, Andrew Ligon Fant, Prof. Derrick Howard, Hon. Shukura L. Ingram, Ashley S. Lewis, Associate Dean Tameka Lester, Prof. Patrick Longan, Travis Lynes, C. Brad Marsh, Kevin C. Patrick. The Commission and Committee also wish to acknowledge the support staff of our law school partners, as follows: Leron Burge, Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School; Franklin B. Lebo, J.D., Ph.D., Emory University School of Law; Shreeca S. Lott, Emory University School of Law; Jeannie Zipperer, Mercer University School of Law; Cody Teague, Georgia State University College of Law; Amanda Jean Fox, University of Georgia School of Law; Casey Anne Graham, University of Georgia School of Law; Chantelle Tickles, University of Georgia School of Law.