Maintaining Judicial Professionalism:
Reflections from the Bar

A FREE to attend CLE Virtual Only via Zoom on July 18, 2024, from 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm. Attorneys are responsible for paying the CLE fees required by the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency to maintain the CLE on their CLE transcript.
The CLE is approved in Georgia for 1 professionalism CLE hour.
Lawyers have often attended “A View From The Bench” professionalism CLEs. But what do lawyers want judges to consider when reflecting on judicial professionalism?
To ensure compliance with the Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 2.10, the participants in this CLE will discuss historical fact patterns from previously decided cases only to discuss concepts of judicial professionalism.
The confirmed participants for this CLE are as follows.
Judge Rhonda Kreuziger will serve as the panel moderator. For more about Judge Kreuziger, see
Our other currently confirmed panelists are as follows:
- Attorney Chuck Boring,
- ADA Eddie Chase,
- Attorney Molly Gillis,
- Attorney Francys Johnson,
- District Attorney Randy McGinley,
A Lawyers Creed and the Aspirational Statement on Professionalism (Georgia’s Creed), at Lines 134 – 135, states that as professionals, lawyers should “[a]void unfounded, unsubstantiated, or unjustified public criticism of members of the judiciary.” The Creed does not, however, suggest that the bench and bar cannot discuss reflections from the bar of judicial professionalism. Using the Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct, judicial professionalism materials from the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Commission on Professionalism and Georgia’s Creed, this CLE will explore the topic of judicial professionalism and suggest things that judges should consider – beyond the minimums required by the Georgia Code of Judicial Conduct – as judges seek to become the best jurists possible in serving the public and the profession. In addition, the CLE will have a respectful discussion regarding how attorneys can maintain their professionalism, if faced with unprofessional judicial behavior.
Planning Team:
Trish McCann Bertram, Professional Development Director, Georgia Public Defender Council; Marie G. Broder, District Attorney, Griffin Judicial Circuit; Elicia Hargrove, Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Georgia, Albany Criminal Division; Lauren Shubow, Atlanta Circuit Public Defender’s Office; Robert W. Smith, Jr., General Counsel, Prosecuting Attorney’s Council; LaToya Simone Williams, LaToya S. Williams, Managing Attorney for the Specialized Unit II, Georgia Public Defender Council; and Karlise Y. Grier.
Maintaining Judicial Professionalism: Reflections from the Bar

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On April 30, 2021, the Commission held a Suicide Awareness Program. To view the materials and resources from the program, click here. This is a test.
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